This blood test checks for antibodies to H.pylori a bacteria that causes peptic ulcers. A positive results means you either are currently infected or have been infected in the past.

    No specific patient preparation protocol required. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing this test.

    To diagnose an infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Helicobacter Pylori H. Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium and attack the lining of the stomach. Due to its spiral shape, it penetrates into the stomach and gets protected by the mucus. Hence, immune cells are not able to reach them. This bacteria cause serious stomach problems like peptic ulcer, gastritis and most of the stomach ulcers. Antigens are the foreign substances that induce the immune responses to produce antibodies in the human body.



    This test checks for antigens in stool or blood associated with H.pylori a bacteria that causes peptic ulcers . A positive results means you either are currently infected or have not been successfully treated.

    No specific patient preparation protocol required. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing this test. You need to stop using antibiotics, bismuth medicines, and proton-pump inhibitors 2 weeks before the test.

    To diagnose an active infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Helicobacter Pylori H. Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium and attacks the lining of the stomach. Due to its spiral shape, it penetrates into the stomach and gets protected by the mucus. Hence, immune cells are not able to reach them. This bacterium causes serious stomach problems like peptic ulcer, gastritis and most of the stomach ulcers. Antigens are the foreign substances that induce the immune responses to produce antibodies in the human body.

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