• Scott’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Orange 100ml

    Scott’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Orange 100ml has been trusted for over 100 years to keep families healthy. Made from Cod Liver oil, it contains Omega 3 fatty acid to support brain health and vitamins A & D to support the immune system.

  • NeoLife Vita Guard

    NeoLife Vita Gard is a healthy antioxidant supplement for children in chewable form. It has no artificial flavours or colourings and it is extracted from organically grown fruits and vegetables. We have found it very effective in providing your children with the antioxidant nutrients they need to become and stay healthy. Nature’s perfect antidote to Free Radicals is the potent, varied antioxidants that we find in our plant-based foods. You’ll find those same antioxidants in Vita Guard with its fruit and vegetable base carefully chosen to provide the best antioxidant nutrients and then processed with utmost care to leave the nutrients in their most effective form for your child’s body.

    NeoLife Vita Guard

    UGX 135,000

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